Saturday, November 22, 2008
Keeping up with the Beat
The out-of-shape person who complains they have no energy and no time to work out, when the truth is if they make the time to start working out, they will have more energy and ironically, more time too.

The purpose of my writing is manifesting my own reality of KDW. If you'd like to join KDW, Check out for yourself KDW has grown so much in just a short time. There are almost 2000 members and counting and the movement has reached 125 countries already. The founder/creator is Kukuwa. I found Kukuwa on YouTube, her hopes and dream is to manifest tickets to the Oprah Winfrey Show and meeting her. And you know what, with this great testimonial it shall happen. It was awesome - her story and her journey. And she captured it all and she captured my attention. So there it is. You can check out her site at watch as her destiny unfolds.

Positive imaging and visualization believing in God. Greater is he that is within us. Opening up our minds to this belief is a greater way. The Bible states that we were made in His image - God's Image. All of us. So we do indeed have power over our lives and the power to co-create, meaning create with His help. We co-create lives everyday when we bring forth new lives, so why would it be hard to perceive ourselves co-creating the circumstances within our lives? Our thoughts, actions, intentions, words all go out into the universe and create our realities. Now wouldn't you want your reality to be a positive one? Also, I believe there's a much more accepted term for this's called faith. Believe, be thankful, and you shall receive.

Health and fitness
Come Dance With Me
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posted by Destiny @ 6:11 PM   0 comments
WATCH your DAILY intake.
I have have restricted my diet, and learning to eat a well balance meal. It so important to eat healthy to increase your energy and stamina. Eating right decreases your risk of heart attack, stroke and many other onsight illness.

all red meat i.e., pork & beef.
all white products i.e., sugar, flour, pastas, breads.
all trans fat containing products i.e., baked goods, candies, etc. You have to read labels and recognize terms such as hydrogenated oils, margarine, shortening, high fructose corn syrup and more.
Eliminate soy products produced from genetically modified plants
Eliminate Dairy Products: Milk, butter, eggs, cheese also products containing these substances

-Replace red meat with organically raised chicken and/or salmon (non-farm raised) or to be vegetarian/vegan replace red meat with nuts, seeds, whole grains (and its products) and legumes
-Replace white products with brown products, this means whole wheat flour, brown rice, whole grain pastas
-Replace trans fats with cold pressed olive oil, replace margarine and butter with non-hydrogenated soft spread products that are made from organically produced olive oil
-Replace white sugar with Agave Nectar: it has a low glycemic index (does not significantly raise blood sugar levels). Alternatives are maple syrup and raw unfiltered honey
-Replace coffee with Green tea (if you must drink coffee limit it to one to two cups per day)
-Replace regular table salt with herbs, seasonings and small amounts of sea salt. Braggs Liquid Aminos is also an option

Meal Planning: Main meal should always include a large fresh vegetable salad. Do not use heavy high fat dressings such as ranch, thousand island, bleu cheese, etc. Simply use olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon and a little honey or other recommended sweeteners. These dressing ingredients can be blended with avocado or other fresh foods to create dressings.

Steamed Vegetables: Most meals should include a lightly or sautéed steamed vegetable such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale greens, chard, brussel sprouts, zucchini, etc.
Raw vegetable salads and steamed vegetables provide fiber in the form of cellulose which in turn keeps the bowels working properly. The indigestible fibers of the plants bind with the bulk of the whole grains and other whole foods to create a very manageable waste product that can be evacuated through the bowels. This fiber also "scrapes" the walls of the intestines and colon to keep waste from accumulating. High fiber diets decrease the risk of colo-rectal cancer.
Raw and slightly steamed vegetables also provide vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micro-nutrients that boost the body’s ability to fight infections.

Whole Grains: These are brown rice, whole wheat, barley, rye and the products such as breads and pastas made from these grains. They provide complex carbohydrates which digest slowly in your system and provide a prolonged flow of usable glucose that fuels the brain, muscles, organs and other tissues throughout the body.
*Simple sugars or simple carbohydrates such as white flour products, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc., go straight to the blood stream very quickly, give you a rush of sugar energy that quickly dissipates and causes you to "crash" or to become tired, lethargic and irritable.
Whole grains also contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and they provide BULK for the intestines and colon that create good bowel movements.

Beans and Legumes: These provide protein, carbohydrates, some vitamins. They often are combined with gains such as rice to create a complete protein

Nuts and Seeds: These should be eaten raw. Some sources insist nuts should be soaked for 12 hours prior to eating in order to breakdown "protein inhibitors" that keep them from being able to digest properly. Seeds such as sunflower can be soaked and sprouted and used in salads. Nut butters can be created from almonds, cashews, sesame seeds and walnuts. Nut milks can be made from almonds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds primarily. These nut and seed milks are high in protein, are easily digested and can be consumed when one is attempting to fast, cleanse or lose weight. Nuts and seeds can be eaten with vegetables or with dry or fresh fruits.

Fresh Raw Juices: Every human being should possess a juicer. The best juicers are made by Champion and Acme. Other commercial juicers are available but might not provide the longevity you want. Consuming a variety of fresh juices on a regular basis provides you with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, amino acids, enzymes and other nutrients yet to be discovered! You should use organic fruits and vegetables as much as possible. A good basic mix is carrot, spinach, celery, parsley, beet, apple and a piece of ginger.

Supplements: Vitamin C powder, multi-vitamin/mineral, b-complex.
*A good way to get your nutrients is by making smoothies. The basic ingredients of a nutritional smoothie are: Bee Pollen (complete protein, provides high quick energy, strengthens blood vessels, and increases immunity to allergies) and Lewis Laboratories Brewer’s Yeast is recommended for taste (complete protein, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and is easy to digest.) Be cautious if you are chronic sufferer of Candida.
Sunflower seed and/or almonds, fresh juice, blueberries, strawberries, (ONLY USE ORGANIC BERRIES, these can be purchased frozen), banana, flax seed oil and wheat germ oil are also good to use in your smoothies.
Herbs: Uva Ursi, Milk Thistle, Dandelion (Good for detoxing the liver and kidneys).
Take these as a tincture.

Spices: Cayenne pepper, Garlic, Onion, Cumin, Curry, Sage, Thyme, Oregano (used as both seasoning and medicine in your food).

Water: Distilled Water (ad 1 tsp of fresh lemon per gallon), Spring Water, Filtered Water. Our bodies are about 90% water. We need to drink ½ gallon to 1 gallon per day depending on your weight.

Health and fitness.
Sharing is Caring
posted by Destiny @ 5:23 PM   0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Making $300day- 10% make 90% of the money.
We'll to my understanding, came the realization that if I wanted to succeed. I need to invest in someone that have the knowledge to show me how they uncovered their own tricks and techniques to making 90% of the money.

I had to adopt their set of rules in order to learn how they consistently churned out profits. You will get 200 pages and 50 minutes of live videos and a lot more. Click Here!

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posted by Destiny @ 10:14 PM   0 comments
Can you imagine visitors to your site without paying for it?
NOTHING to do with blogs, list building, domain names, eBay, Adsense, social bookmarking or even Adwords! Search engine optimization (SEO) means that your website is being accessible to the search engines to improve your chances they will serve your website when one's potential customers type in a specific search term.

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"Get up and raise your hands!" Click Here!

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posted by Destiny @ 9:41 PM   0 comments
How is your credit- 720+ Credit Score
My reward is sharing with you a credit system so that you can gain an unfair advantage in the financial world. You have more to gain and nothing to loose, besides you get a life so full of opportunities you can either imagine.

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The exciting news I can learn from the comfort of my home in taking the home study course. Click Here!

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posted by Destiny @ 8:21 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Fat Burning Furnace
Rob Poulos is the owner of Zero to Hero fitness.Rob briefly explain the top 15 foods that you should eat and the 15 foods you should stay away from considering the facts of a proper diet.

Are you overweight and want to lose total body fat? This is a 20 minute a day program, the main focus are diet and exercise. The nutrition program has helped many people control and maintain their diet in the right choices in total fitness. The workout will greatly increase metabolism while decreasing fat loss, which is the multi-joint exercises. The core of this program is very intensive toward eating and maintaining a healthy diet. You can receive a FREE guide report. Click Here!

If your not satisfied, a full 100% 8 week money back guarantee.


posted by Destiny @ 2:24 AM   0 comments
Turbulence Training Workout
Craig's top rated program. Craig is a certified strength and conditioning specialist.
Doing intensive workouts that will increase your fitness to dealing with weight loss. This is the best program for keeping in shape while maintaining an overall adjustment of losing weight, in moderation of our busy lifestyle. A complete healthy body training program you can do in the comfort of your home.The program is a 45 minute workout with great results improving your health and energy for burning fat and increasing muscle,Craig has helped thousands of men and women retain their body weight.

Imagine dropping off a few pounds with Craig's program or else if it doesn't work out, a 60 day money back guarantee.
Click Here!


posted by Destiny @ 1:23 AM   0 comments
about me
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Location: Henderson, NV, United States

My passion lies within motivating, inspiring, and developing empowering minds of transforming thoughts to a action plan in building a successful team for future growth contributing healthy lifestyles.

Udah Lewat
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